Uthaman Pradeep is a 24 year old Lead Developer in CTS Chennai. He lives with his mother and sister Divya, who is engaged to a Dentist Yogi for 8 months and is about to get married in 4 days. Pradeep is in a relationship with colleague Nikhita, whose father Venu sastri is a very strict person. Pradeep goes to her house to meet and convince Venu for their marriage in future. Ven...
Uthaman Pradeep is a 24 year old Lead Developer in CTS Chennai. He lives with his mother and sister Divya, who is engaged to a Dentist Yogi for 8 months and is about to get married in 4 days. Pradeep is in a relationship with colleague Nikhita, whose father Venu sastri is a very strict person. Pradeep goes to her house to meet and convince Venu for their marriage in future. Ven...
主演:诺米·梅兰特,福田知盛,杰米·坎贝尔·鲍尔,娜奥米·沃茨,黄秋生,黄恰恰,伊莎贝拉·魏,安德烈·多伦特,栢天男,Agathe Bokja,Adrienne Lau,Txomin Vergez,卡罗尔·法兰克,Bianca Lau,Hu Kai